I F*** With Baohaus – The Best Restaurants in NYC

The first time I tried Baohaus I’d never heard of Eddie Huang. Not that my new-found affinity for its owner would affect my objectivity even if I had. Gua bao and I have actually had an on-again-off-again long-term relationship, and I’ve sampled some of the best in Taiwan. In case you were fiending for […]
Gahwa – The Best Restaurants in NYC

29-32 Union St, Flushing, NY The purpose of this series, dear traveler, is to open your eyes to a culinary experience you might not find if you trusted only the tourist guidebooks. It’s true, some of the restaurants you’ve heard about from guides and television shows really are that good – Second Avenue Deli, […]
SriPraPhai – The Best Restaurants in NYC

64-13 39th Ave Woodside, NY 11377 I first heard of Sripraphai in the upper echelons of basic cable, on a now defunct channel that showed reruns of Korean soaps, Japanese gameshows, and the occasional Pride match, and had, to my recollection, exactly one show worth watching, where the hosts profiled Asian restaurants around New York’s […]
Defonte’s – The Best Restaurants in NYC

261 3rd Ave, Manhattan, NY Beside its groundbreaking high-end eateries, Asian restaurants, and burgers, New York excels at another type of nosh – artisanal sandwiches. Sure, you can find the foo foo organic, whole-grain variety, and some very good versions of it, but when you’re in the mood for an unapologetic fling with a […]
Minca – The Best Restaurants in NYC

536 E 5th St New York, NY 10009 It’s infrequent that I’ll go so far as to do research in order to write a restaurant review, especially in New York. Tell you the history of the burger? Heck if I know, but I’ve eaten a metric ton of them in my day. Steaks? Brunch […]
Shake Shack – The Best Restaurants in NYC

For my return journey to Shake Shack, I decided to challenge the prevailing assumption that the lines are too long, so I set my stopwatch the moment I stepped into line. It wasn’t until I had successfully navigated the line, ordered, waited for my order, sherpa’d it over to a vacant bench, taken my […]
Metro Cafe – the Best Restaurants in NYC

4924 8th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11220 Cliche-avoidance-be-damned, Sunset Park is a treasure trove. We at Smart Getaways actively encourage readers to get out of Manhattan to experience the best restaurants New York has to offer, and you sure don’t have to go as far as Flushing or Sunset Park to find great eats, but […]
Shabu Shabu 70 – The Best Restaurants in NYC

Shabu Shabu 70 is named for East 70th street, where it sits, but it might just as well have been named after the ’70s, because that’s how it feels when you walk in the door. The walls are painted in an off-white so off it’s almost lime green, and it’s the type of paint […]
Nha Trang One – The Best Restaurants in NYC

87 Baxter St, New York, NY In the US, at least, Vietnamese restaurants are judged by their pho, just as Thai restaurants, for better or worse, are judged by their…don’t make me say it… Photo Credit How large a factor should authenticity be? If a restaurant conjures something delicious, how much should we care […]
Corner Bistro – The Best Restaurants in NYC

Like many New Yorkers, I have a long and warm association with Corner Bistro. My “first time” was in March of 2001, when I was staying in the West Village with a family friend, visiting for an audition. (A story I know half of New Yorkers my age share in common;) Tired from the […]