Cape Cod Vacay Rentals 1 – Avoid Our Mistakes

In fearless search of the smartest ways to visit the cape in style on a budget, we set out to “hack” the vacation rental racket so you our readers don’t have to. It ended up being a useful endeavor, because we expected it to be easy and it was anything but. Below, our hard-won […]
Hotel Tomo, Hotel Kabuki, and Japan Town – San Francisco

Japan Town is a charming corner of SF that obviously dates from the ’60s. Hotel Kabuki, one of the more highly-searched hotels in SF, is of the same era. Chih-Yu and I stayed at the Kabuki’s sister hotel, the Tomo, and had plenty of time to explore both, since they’re around the corner and […]
New York Hotels – Smart Getaways for Couples

What’s the most underserved information query for New York City? Something interesting or sexy like subterranean tours, Cumbia bars in Brooklyn, the best tattoo parlors, or the Mole People? Fraid not – it’s hotels. Specific hotels, and by quite a long shot. As New Yorkers Chih-Yu and I don’t make a practice of staying […]